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Re: Multiple ownership

Dee wrote:
>1) create a  .owners property on #1 of the type LIST
>2) do a little hacking in $perm_utils:controls to return ok if the user is
>    *either* .owner or in .owners  (and of course the wiz check)
>3) [optional] you might want to write verbs (mine are @add/rm-owner)
>    to interface with the property for you.

The system I implemented in BioMOO is just the following:

@prog $perm_utils:controls
":controls(X, Y[, more info])";
"can X control Y? Yes if a) X is wiz, b) Y lets X control it, or c) Y's
owner lets X control it.";
return args[1].wizard ||
       args[2]:is_controllable_by(@args) ||

In addition:

@verb $root_class:is_controllable_by tnt rx
@prog $root_class:is_controllable_by
return args[1] == this.owner;

This system is very simple, yet enables various types of multiple ownership:

1) by object class: any class of objects can specify a special
:is_controllable_by to enable control by other users, e.g. from a list that
the object holds.
   Example: a modification to $room to let its .residents control it fully.

2) by user class: a user class like $group_user can define a special
:is_controllable_by to enable whoever controls it to control any object
that it owns
   Example: any controller of the BCD-programmer would be able to control
any object that BCD-programmer owns.

3) by user class, restricted: like the previous one, but using the 2nd
argument to restrict the extended control to a particular set of owned
   Example: user A wants to enable user B to modify any of the notes that A
owns. A defines a :is_controllable_by on him/herself, that does:
    return pass(@args) ||
          (args[1]==<my friend> && $object_utils:isa(args[2],$note));

4) by even more defined conditions, if more arguments are passed to
   Example: $perm_utils:controls(player, somenote, "erase")
   Again, some user might decide to allow his/her friends to control
partially his/her notes, permitting them to add text, but not to erase

5) ... (your ideas here)

This system is mainly programmer-oriented. The system described in the
Dee's message  is more builder-oriented, and they are complementary.

Gustavo Glusman               Founder/administrator of BioMOO
-- BioMOO: telnet 8888

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