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Re: @@who and @edit on 1.8.0

Wes Cooper wrote:
> 1.7.9, except for two things:  @@who doesn't show the player's IP address,

if you changed $string_utils:connection_hostname_bsd properly, it should be showing the host 
they're from. If you mean it's showing domain and not IP, that's just how it is.

> @edit problem has to do with line 3 of #51:description; I don't even have a

I have a fix for that.. I changed line 5 of :description to:

  elseif(!(c[2] in {"look_self","pass"}))

 ____    ____  Martian
|    \  /    |
|  +-\\//-+  |      Martian #96675 @ LambdaMOO
|  |  \/  |  |        telnet:// 
|__|artian|__| ** One more chain letter, and I react with violence. **


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