MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


[SERVER] huh stack in tracebacks

Because of the (dubious?) decision to make the huh verb called with the
value of 'verb' set to the first word on the entered line, I'm having
trouble getting the full verb name (or any valid verb name) from a traceback
list as returned by the except[ion] clause.  Any way around this short of
hand parsing the printed traceback strings?  I've got a kick ass traceback
pretty printer (which is why I always wanted this feature) which kind of
blows when it can't find the verb name.  I think this problem also stems
from the fact that the value of the 'verb' field in tracebacks is the value
of the 'verb' variable the code.  Could this be changed to a verb index
(since can reference verbs by number now) or the full verb name as it
appears on the object?  I'm aware that this is of little use if the verb in
question disappears between the time the task starts and when it dies.



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