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Re: case sensitivity with set_property_info()

At 02:20 PM 4/3/96 -0800, ThwartedEfforts wrote:
>At 01:43 PM 4/3/96 PST, Brack <> wrote:
>>I tried to set_property_info() a property on me to rename it with the same
>>name, but different cases, but it didn't seem to work: I typed in this:
>>I tried this on 2 MOOs running 1.8.0p2.. shouldn't renaming a property be
>>allowed to change the case on it since set_verb_info() allows you to do this.
>What does it matter?  Both property searching and verb searching are case
>insensitive.  But I guess it could be considered inconsistant that a verb
>name shows the case, but the prop name doesn't.  I think it's a minor issue
>and you should find other slightly more important things to worry about. :)
yes yes I know case doesn't matter. I'm just wondering why set_verb_info
lets you do that and set_property_info doesn't. I might want to rename
me.fancyprop to me.FancyProp or something. course I could rename it to
another name first, but it really doesn't matter. I'm sure it's just a
matter of changing a 0 to a 1 in the equality() check to see if the names
are the same, true it's a minor issue but at least it's not a 'hey i just
changed my server to 1.8 but didn't read the changelog so why am i getting
all these errors' post...


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