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Re: temporary wizbit

At 10:46 AM 4/18/96 PDT, Kipp the Kidd wrote:
>At 12:23 PM 4/17/96 PDT, Joe Shaw wrote:
>>You could do this, I suppose, but an easier (and perhaps safer) way to do
>>it would be:
>>#110.wizard = 1;
>>fork (1)
>>  shutdown();
>>#110.wizard = 0;
>Nope... let's go through this and see what the server would do...
>Is caller_perms() a wizard?  Yes?  OK, set prop #110.wizard to 1.
>Is caller_perms() a wizard?  Yes?  OK, change task perms to #110.
>A fork... ok, I'll do that code in 1 second...
>Is caller_perms() a wizard?  Yes?  OK, set peop #110.wizard to 0.
>(a second later)
>a shutdown():  caller_perms().wizard?  No.  E_PERM.
>- Kipp

I guess nobody saw my first post, eh? do it without the fork, it works.

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