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Re: Getting data into the MOO

On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Guilherme Ramos wrote:
> I have an executable into de /bin directory. ok.
> This executable creates a process with an output like this:
> InstExec  = 13,488651  Cells =  434  Genotypes =  174  Sizes =  27
> Extracted = 0080abe @ 10 v
> InstExeC      =       13  Generations  =       33  Thu Apr 25 17:19:09 1996
>     NumCells  =      442  NumGenotypes =      188  NumSizes  =       24
>     AvgSize   =       62  NumGenDG     =        1
>     AvgPop    =      439  Births       =     1179  Deaths    =     1190
>     RateMut   =    12240  RateMovMut   =      992  RateFlaw  =    54016
>     MaxGenPop =       34  (0045aab)      MaxGenMem =       29 (0080aaa)
>     Speed     =    25000

Personally, I wouldn't do it using FUP at all.  Several months ago, Dave
Van Buren ( posted a very short (two dozen lines?)
PERL script which he called  It listens to a port and
waits for the MOO to contact it (via open_network_connection()), and then
it cat's a file to the MOO.  I can send you this if you can't find it in
the moo-cows archive or he doesn't repost it himself. A very simple
modification of the script should allow you to do You could make a very
modification of the script should allow you to pipe your data into it
      foo | server.perl
and then have the MOO contact the script every time you want to import
some data.  Of course, probably a better method would be to do this in
reverse: Have the PERL script connect to the MOO every time it has data to

I used (a modified version of) Dave's  script with
	mathematica | server.perl
to allow the MOO to create Mathematica(tm) graphics in response to user
commands (and then convert these graphics to gif, and then feed the image
back in a web page).  It worked like a charm! :)

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