MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


VR Muds (was: Re: Virtus software products)

As far as VR Muds go, you may want to look into the VRML-Worlds Mailing list.
It is for the generation of standards in using VRML (Virtual Reality
Modeling Language) in MUDs.  VRML is a fast expanding standard based on the
world wide web, which already has clients on SGI's, Windows and (today)
Suns and RS6k machines.

You can get on the VRML-Worlds list by sending the following to
>>> <<< (do not email the list itself)
Also note: I am putting the X into, subXscribe to keep any filters from
munching on this message--incase there are any, just make sure you leave
out the X in your actual message :)

subXscribe vrml-worlds


-Brandon Gillespie

the Cold Dark Virtual Environment:
   "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape
           those who dream only by night."  - Edgar Allan Poe


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