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Re: crypt()ic problem

Ok, add the following:

@verb #0:bf_crypt this none this
@program #0:bf_crypt
return string_hash(args[1]);
"Drop the salt on the floor.";

@prop $server_options.protect_crypt 1

That worked for me.

For a fresh database, just do that before setting passwords.  For an 
existing database, you gotta restart under emergency wizard mode and set 
#2's password to 0, login, and do that (then new passwords for all)

Hope this helps.

On Mon, 10 Jun 1996, Jamal A. Wills wrote:

> I'm new to the list and to LambdaMOO.  I've compiled the LambdaMOO 
> 1.8.0p5 on a FreeBSD machine and passwords don't work.  When ever a 
> character is created or a null password is changed, it's impossible to 
> connect.
> I think I've tracked down the error to the connect verb.  I tested crypt 
> and got the following:
> ;crypt("test")
> => "$1$Vj$pJmk9yRpWDONyIbzo/UJJ."
> ;crypt("test")
> => "$1$fz$J1Q5yZbOLvS66.WpiXR7O0"
> ;crypt("test", "Vj")
> => "$1$Vj$pJmk9yRpWDONyIbzo/UJJ."
> ;crypt("test", "fz")
> => "$1$fz$J1Q5yZbOLvS66.WpiXR7O0"
> ;crypt("test", "Vj")
> => "$1$Vj$pJmk9yRpWDONyIbzo/UJJ."
> In the connect verb I found:
> 16:  if (is_clear_property(candidate, "password") || !$object_utils:isa(
>  candidate, $player) || (typeof(candidate.password) == STR && (length(
>  candidate.password) < 2 || strcmp(crypt({@args, ""}[2], 
>  candidate.password[1..2]), candidate.password))))
> I think this system has a slightly nonstandard form of crypt().  If I 
> change candidate.password[1..2] to candidate.password[4..5] I think it 
> should work, but I wanted to check with someone more familier with the 
> language first (especially since this would make the code incompatable 
> with other servers).
>                        Making the future, today...
>       Jamal Wills    Core Member   |   First Millennial Foundation
>   |
>     |

               Jeff Tollison 

                  public key: finger
      "my goal in life is to have nothing better to do"  --drweird

"Real programmers don't comment their code.  It was hard to write, it 
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