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Re: wish lists

At 12:40 PM 7/23/96 PDT, wrote:
>hmmm... isn't what you suggest more complex? Reminds me of the 'verbing
>properties' thread that was going on earlier.. seems to me just having
>object:description() do the number would be just fine.

Yeah, verbing properties is a great idea, but it's too hard to create a verb
for each property, and then request that the programmers /use/ the verb
instead of the property.  On paradigm, there is a $root_class:_* which
simply returns the property, and can be overridden (and often is) on any
child.  But still the problem remains, the Programmers/Wizards, including
myself, *never* use obj:_prop().

It could just be because everyone knows I have a program that automagically
converts them :)

- Kipp


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