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Re: LPMOO HELP, please.

At 11:42 AM 8/29/95, Tosh wrote:
>Ok, can someone 'splain this?
>;for x in [1..100000] if (ticks_left() < 5000) suspend(10); else
>notify(player, tostr(ticks_left())); endif endfor
>This will spam me until x = 100000 and it won't suspend, tho' the ticks
>are reset.  the output looks like this:
>and so one until it loops back again.
>Now if I do this next thing I get a totally different result:
>;for x in [1..100000] if (x == 15000) suspend(10); else
>notify(player, tostr(ticks_left())); endif endfor
>The output is:
>And here it suspends, allowing calls to @forked and allowing other tasks
>to run.
>Then it runs out of ticks.
>So the problem seems to be suspend() and ticks_left() working together,
>but what is going on here?
> --
>| |##|## ||||| #|#|# |#|## ||||# #||#| ||#|# #|||| #|#|# #|||| ##|| |##|
>This ^^^^ is my government barcode identifier. # = thick lines, | = thin
>I don't make this stuff up.           

>From doc/differences:

- Task execution limits are in DGD terms; no attempt is made to simulate
   tick or seconds counting. {ticks,seconds}_left() are approximate.

ticks_left() is often very inaccurate, which is probably why you're getting
the problems you're getting, and also is why
$command_utils:suspend_if_needed() doesn't work very well with LPMOO.

Matt Pauker

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