MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Re: Looking for references to MOO papers...

There is tonnes of "interesting" stuff, and thank god none of it is
'published' as the field has not been co-opted by a bunch of geriatrics who
control paper (It's Saturday night, and I'm ranting ;-).  All of what is
interesting is being written by non-tenured grad students who, when
tenured, will probably not bother to go to paper, but will rather establish
peer reviewed online 'zenes.  Of course, you're right in guessing that few
bit-head theory folk have bothered.  Most of the stuff is by socio/edu

I have a fairly comprehensive (as of 4 months ago) selection of papers on
the Educational use of muds.  You can access it from my home page
(  IT is called "Muds, Moos & Mushes: Hip
Waders in the CMC swamp.  I would also check all the other Mud WWW sites
that can be found through searching the Moo-Cows archive.

All the best in your search, and I hope that you find something that you
find " enough interesting stuff."


D. Jason Nolan                     

* Maintaining the OISE student WWW homepage directory
* Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, U of T
* Conservation Council of Ont., Ont. Soc. for Env. Ed., ex-Toronto Freenet
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