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Re: moving object w/in a verb

>Okie... have you tried move(object, newlocation);
>(I think the space might be important)...

Whitespace, which includes spaces, tabs, and line breaks are ignored by the
 server when parsing code.  They are special within strings tho.

Hence, each pair is equlivent:

1. player:tell   ("yo"     )     ;
2. player:tell("yo");

1. move(obj,obj);
2. move(               obj  ,  obj) ;

However, since whitespace is signigicant in strings, these pairs are _not_ the

1. "LambdaMOO"
2. "Lambda MOO"

1. player:tell("Hello            <= this will, in fact, get you a parse error
   good bye");
2. player:tell("Hello good bye");

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