MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Re: Threatening of Gothic MOO

Listing the player's email and site would have been sufficient. If I 
wanted to see childish insults like that I'd log into a Diku MUD and 
listen to their 5th-grade banter.

Get a life, Brandon, and don't send that garbage to my inbox.

I'm beginning to think the people running most MOOs are as bad as the idiots 
running most MUDs -- handing out positions of power to insecure geeks who 
get their jollies by threatening players and administrators with their 
"cyber-power" and throwing temper-tantrums.

You reap what you sow.

-Melissa A. Durfee
The (Original) Ferretously Funky One

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    ,/ / ;;  ;;;______;;;  ;;; ::,/  Melissa A. Durfee
    /;;V_;;   ;;;       \       /
    | :/ / ,/            \_ "")/     Dungeon Master of Finder's Dominion
    | | / /"""=            \;;\""=   the Original MUrpg!
    ; ;{::""""""=            \"""=

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