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Re: really stupid newbie question

>I got the new memory installed... so I'm now running on a p5-75
>with 24 meg of memory. But I'm having some problems. The help files
>are incomplete. The room names and their numbers are not associated
>(I can type @go #106 and get there, but I can't type @go wiz hangout
>and get there, even though it's the same room.) I know I'm an idiot about
>these things (I don't even know how to change the welcome message!)
>And the network isn't working. Send mail is turned on, but when I make a
>character, the password doesn't get mailed. Help!

because the @go verb relies on a .rooms property to refer to rooms by name.
If you want to refer to a room by name, use @addroom <room#> name or
@addroom name <#> (I think both work) and then you can @go somewhere. Add
this to the default .rooms if you want players to be able to go to these rooms.

>So the unix wiz told me to ask these questions:
>first, some background: the machine is running freeBSD 2.1.0
>the Lambda core is 1.7.9p2
>1. Should I be running a different core?

Remember that a core is a pre-made database, the server is the actual
release (1.7.9p2 in your case)

>2. Is there a better port? (BSD, or what?)
>3. what version of the database should I use?
>That's what he said to ask. Me, I'm just a poet...

1.7.9p2 should work fine for you, although I'd recommend using 1.8.0beta3 if
you want or wait for the production version, however you'll need to make
some database changes to fix some things.


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