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Re: $player & $mail_recipient_class (again)

On Wed, 10 Apr 1996, Jasminko Novak-progetto CULTURLINK UNESCO wrote:

> Hi all,
> Yes, the same :confunc stuff again...
> I applied dave's and yduJ's solutions but for some reason that didn't solve the problem...
> Here's what happens.

> ===========
> #60:check, line 2:  Verb not found
> ... called from #6:confunc (this == #94), line 5
> ... called from #0:user_created user_connected, line 8
> (End of traceback)
> ===========
[ clip ]

It's an (aparrent) oversight in the 25Dec core...  Set #0.player_class to 
#91 (Generic Mail Receiving Player) or #90 (Frand's PC) (I reccomend 
changing it to #90.) and then make sure that you @chparent all your current 
players who are not builders, programmers, or wizards to either #90 or 
#91.  This will solve your problem.



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