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[TALK] Was: Re: REQUEST: #3:exits code

Michael Kraus signed:
>**                             **                                    **
>**   Michael Kraus             **     **
>**                             **                                    **
>**          (Aka BeLFrY)       ** Try BatMOO.                        **
>**                             ** 7777 **
>**                             **                                    **
>**                                                                   **
>**      Evolution is a rediculously accepted theory, for its lack of **
>**  evidence.  "Science" is an inappropriate label for it.           **
>**                                                                   **

Well, I don't know whether this is his original thinking, or some dumb
inculcated belief, or just a flame-bait... Anyway:

- 'rediculously' is ridiculously spelled.
- Evolution has heaps of evidence, but no absolute proof.
- A theory is scientific when it lends itself to being proven wrong. As
this sounds paradoxical, let us explain:

If, no matter what you say about a theory, it will *always* stay 'valid',
even if you provide strong evidence to the contrary, then it isn't
scientific. A simple example is 'The Universe was created by God, and God
can to anything.' This is definitely not a scientific theory.
If, on the other hand, you state a theory and say 'if such-and-such facts
were presented, that would prove my theory wrong', then this theory is

With this said, I can now retort - evolution is a scientific theory. You're
welcome to present solid facts to its contrary, if you ever find any.

How does this relate to moo-cows? Only in that BeLFrY's signature,
including this piece of blatant disinformation, was posted here. Please
send followups via private mail, a summary will be presented, if it is ever
available, and if there's interest.

Gustavo Glusman               Founder/administrator of BioMOO
-- BioMOO: telnet 8888


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