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[PROG] changing the value of player

Well, is this code _susposed_ to work:

@verb me:call_as this none this rxd $archwizard
@program me:call_as
player = args[1];
object = args[2];
verb = args[3];
args = args[4..length(args)];
return object:(verb)(@args);

The problem is, the new value of player doesn't survive because of the
 set_task_perms() (assume that args[1] was a non-wizard).  From looking at 
 the server code, a set_task_perms() replaces the value that was the original 
 permissions, so there is no way to check this and have the value of player
 survive.  Was it intentional to have it act this way?  If so, then being
 able to change the value of player without being able to change the task's
 permissions is kind of useless, since you can't get player and caller_perms()
 to match for non-wizard objects.  Any ideas?
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