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Re: Composition area

Could you please send a copy of that to

On Fri, 25 Oct 1996, John Towell Ph.D. wrote:

> > 
> > Greetings,  
> > 
> > Awhile back I was visiting different MOO sites and found a site that allowed
> > you to set an input mode where what the user was typing would not be
> > interupted by the noise in the room.  I thought this must have been a common
> > feature so I did not pay more attention to it.  Now on our educational MOO,
> > the main complaint we have is that comments being composed by one user are
> > constantly being interupted by other users comments. 
> > 
> > How can we set up the MOO so that when a user starts a comment or command,
> > other traffic will not interrupt their typing?  Any and all help is always
> > appreciated.
> Well, we have developed what you need at BioMOO.  It's called SMOC (Spam
> Manager Output Control).  It was developed for those who don't have and
> don't want to take the time to get a client. I'll be glad to send a file
> containing the necessary code to make it work - just send me an e-mail. 
> John (aka Watson Crick)
> --
>                                   -----------------------------------------
> John Towell, Ph.D.               |   "Among the many virtues of text-based | 
> Post-doc: Informatics            |      Networked Virtual Environments     |
> Northern Illinois University     |       is lack of having to take notes." |
>                                  |               ... Watson Crick          |
> m50jft1@             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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