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Re: Why not to run Linux

Folks I got a BIG suggestions.. I see OS wars IV starting and this ain't 
the place.. lets all chile including.. yes me.. I made some comments.. 
For pavel or someone else has to step in and say something.

On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, Quinn wrote:

> At 11:12 AM 12/20/95 PST, Neuro wrote:
> >I /still/ haven't gotten Doze95 to do [TCP/IP]
> Win95 immediately recognized my network card and I was on the Net within
>  five minutes.  No offense, but a child could do it.
> >There's no excuse for 99% of the people on this list not to be running Linux.
> I don't have a CD-ROM.  My hard drive is running DOS and I can't afford a new
>  one to install Linux.  I don't have enough space to use the funky partition
>  aids to slice off a piece for Linux.
> I grabbed the Win95 files, clicked SETUP and everything was done for me.  I
>  didn't have to FTP several dozen disk images, unpack them to floppies,
>  re-partition and re-format a hard drive, and wander through setting up a
>  multi-user system for my single-user purposes.
> Why keep DOS/Win?  Win95 is a slick interface of which I've grown very fond.
>  What I've seen of X doesn't hold a candle to it.
> I prefer Eudora and Qmodem 95 to elm and telnet.  I can't run Rise of the
> Triad,  Terminal Velocity, Hexen, FX Fighter et al on Linux.  I enjoy
> playing those games.
> And lastly--I have a shell account when I want UNIX.  I like UNIX systems.  I
>  just don't wanna run them on my PC.
> I'll back out of the OS wars now.  I like Mac.  I like Win95.  I like DOS.
>  I like UNIX.  I prefer Win95 on my PC.
> -Quinn
> -


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