Gumbo's River Report
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Northwest Kentucky, Markland Dam Region

The information on this page is gathered hourly from government operated web sites and cached locally on the web server at for faster and more convenient viewing. The cache was last updated at Sat Jul 27 03:03:19 AM EDT 2024. Because of this caching, this information may not always be the very latest that is available. To see the original web page from which a peice of information was obtained, click on the asterisk following the title of the graph or report, and you will be taken to the original page. This page will automatically refresh every 20 minutes. Last refresh was at 03:07 EDT . Read our privacy statement.

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These pictures show the current phase of the moon.
moon phase
Current Conditions *
moon phase
Forecast for Gallatin County*
Cincinnati Time & Weather: 03:07:05 AM Saturday July 27 2024 EDT
Temp: 68.0 F (20.0 C) F Humid: 65% Pres: 30.13 Wind: East at 8.1 MPH (7 KT)
Windchill:  Vis: 10.00 Weather: Fair
Sunrise: 06:37 Sunset: 20:54 Tomorow: 06:37
Days Since New Moon: 21 Phase: Last Quarter

Sunrise and sunset are calculated by the today program. Moon phase is calculated by this ugly hack.

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Recent Weather History *

Weather history
Weather history

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Weather Map *

Weather Map

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Radar Base Reflectivity *


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Radar Storm Total Rainfall *


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24 Hr Forecast Rainfall/Pressure *

24hr Eta SL Pres/Prec Plot

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GOES 8 Eastern US SECTOR Infrared Image *

GOES 8 Eastern US SECTOR Infrared Image

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GOES 8 Eastern US SECTOR Water Vapor Image *

GOES 8 Eastern US SECTOR Water Vapor Image

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24 Hr Forecast Temp/Wind *

24hr Eta Surface Plot

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Drought Map *

Drought Map

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Ohio River at Markland Dam *

Markland Dam

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Kentucky River at Lock 3 at Gest, KY *

Kentucky River at Lock 3 at Gest, KY

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Eagle Creek at Glencoe, KY *

Eagle Creek flow

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Last modified: Thu Jul 18 14:18:06 EDT 2013

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